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About the network
   Intellectual property is now embedded in our culture, shaping our economies and welfare. Our lives are infused with many IP-protected icons and images. Harry Potter, the songs of Lady Gaga, Star Wars, iPhones and iPods and Apple itself, the software programs of Microsoft, life-saving AIDS medicines and Viagra made by Pfizer are some examples of this cultural infiltration. In effect, “intellectual property laws affect our ability to think, learn, share, sing, dance, tell stories, joke, borrow ideas, inspire and be inspired, reply, critique, and pay homage. In short, intellectual property laws do much more than “incentivize innovation,” as the common perception goes. Intellectual property bears fundamentally on the basic activities that make for a full and joyful life. Furthermore, in a global Knowledge Economy, intellectual property distributes wealth and power and affects global justice” ( Madhavi Sunder, From Goods to a Good Life: Intellectual Property and Global Justice, (1st edn, Yale University Press, 2012) 1-2). More specifically, with the arrival of the World Trade Organisation and its rigorous legal obligations, intellectual property also increasingly dominates people’s lives across the world.



   The vigorous infusion of intellectual property into all corners of our lives has unleashed many sophisticated questions and intensified its social and cultural impact. Global actors have reacted to these effects from their own points of view. However, the repercussions of intellectual property policies on culture and the economy still require our close attention with a different outlook. For that reason, the New IP Lawyers Network is the first endeavour to create a hub for new lawyers as well as non-lawyers who share different interests spanning IP, culture, science, creativity and the law. With a “the more, the merrier” approach, the Network looks for more and more members to start a lively and genuine conversation. By creating a buzz among its members, the Network aims to build a community, a visible and vibrant network of lawyers and non-lawyers, which draws attention to and influences the future directions of IP law.


   To this end, the Network embarks on this endeavour with a sense of initiating a shared adventure with members at law and other schools across the UK as well as across the world. Thus, slowly, together, we will be able to increase the links and open discussion spaces where few previously existed in the IP world. With this exciting prospect, we now invite all researchers, practitioners, artists, scientists and those who are dealing with IP issues to create this hub. We believe that creativity has no boundaries. 

Credits to Bartosz Wozniak Photography. 

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